content review process

At, we hold ourselves to the highest standards to ensure you always have access to helpful, accurate and thoroughly researched content, so you can make informed decisions about your dental health.

  • Articles are authored / reviewed by experts in their fields.
  • We have a team of medical reviewers, including dentists and dental specialists, to review content for accuracy.
  • Each article goes through a thorough fact checking process to vet sources and information on topics including dental procedures, oral health, dental insurance, dental savings plans and other critical health and financial information.
  • Articles are reviewed regularly to ensure information is up to date based on any new research or changes in professional guidelines.

Our team

While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content we create or use as source material, our content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek guidance from a dentist or other qualified health professional for answers to any medical questions or concerns you may have. Do not delay seeking/getting medical treatment due to any content that you see on