Your dentist Theodore A Wassel

Theodore A Wassel


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Dental Savings Plans

Insurance Plans

Wassel, Theodore A., DDS

1030 La Bonita Dr Ste 322
San Marcos, CA 92078

View Phone Number 7607441919

Great news: Your dentist accepts dental savings plans.

Dental savings plans are a trusted alternative to insurance that makes quality dental care simple and often more affordable. A small membership fee entitles you to savings on just about every procedure, right at the dentist.

Aetna Vital Savings℠

  • Save 15-50%
  • Activates: 09/09/2024
  • 1,372 Dentists near you
  • No limits or deductible
  • No waiting periods for any procedures
Billed annually
View This Plan Add To Cart

Aetna Vital Savings℠ Plus

  • Save 15-50%
  • Activates: 09/09/2024
  • 1,372 Dentists near you
  • No limits or deductible
  • No waiting periods for any procedures
Billed annually
View This Plan Add To Cart
Up to 2 plans
Up to 3 plans
Up to 3 plans

Your dentist also accepts dental insurance.

If you only plan on needing preventive care, dental insurance may be a good option. Learn about the differences between savings plans and insurance and find the choice that’s best for you.

Aetna Dental® Direct Preferred PPO

Plan Benefits
  • Annual maximum: $1,250
  • Earliest activation: 10/01/2024
  • Annual deductible: $50 Individual / $150 Family
  • No waiting periods for preventive

Individual plans starting at

$37.40/month $448.80/year
Billed monthly
View This Plan Get an online quote

Delta Dental PPO™ Individual Basic Plan

Plan Benefits
  • Annual maximum: $1,000
  • Earliest activation: 10/01/2024
  • Annual deductible: $50 Individual / $150 Family
  • No waiting periods for preventive

Individual plans starting at

$29.08/month $348.96/year
Billed monthly
View This Plan Call 1-888-632-5353

Delta Dental PPO™ Individual Premium Plan

Plan Benefits
  • Annual maximum: $2,000
  • Earliest activation: 10/01/2024
  • Annual deductible: $50 Individual / $150 Family
  • No waiting periods for preventive

Individual plans starting at

$64.92/month $779.04/year
Billed monthly
View This Plan Call 1-888-632-5353

Humana Complete Dental Insurance

Plan Benefits
  • Annual maximum: $1,250 Year 1, $1,500 Year 2 and after
  • Earliest activation: 09/12/2024
  • Annual deductible: $50 Individual / $150 Family
  • No waiting periods for preventive

Individual plans starting at

$59.99/month $719.88/year
Billed monthly
View This Plan Call 1-888-632-5353

Renaissance Dental Insurance Plan III

Plan Benefits
  • Annual maximum: $1,000
  • Earliest activation: 10/01/2024
  • Annual deductible: $50 Individual / $150 Family
  • No waiting periods for preventive

Individual plans starting at

$45.84/month $550.08/year
Billed monthly
View This Plan Call 1-888-632-5353

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Theodore A Wassel

Wassel, Theodore A., DDS

1030 La Bonita Dr Ste 322
San Marcos, CA 92078

View Phone Number 7607441919