Your dentist Giovanni A Gonzalez

Giovanni A Gonzalez


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Plans Accepted

Dental Savings Plans

Valdes, Rafael J., DDS

7755 Sw 87th Ave Ste 100
Miami, FL 33173

View Phone Number 3055951774

Great news: Your dentist accepts dental savings plans.

Dental savings plans are a trusted alternative to insurance that makes quality dental care simple and often more affordable. A small membership fee entitles you to savings on just about every procedure, right at the dentist.

iDental Discount Plan by United Concordia

  • Save 10-50%
  • Activates: 09/06/2024
  • 858 Dentists near you
  • No limits or deductible
  • No waiting periods for any procedures
Billed annually
$144.95 $101.47/year
View This Plan Add To Cart
Up to 2 plans
Up to 3 plans
Up to 3 plans

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Giovanni A Gonzalez

Valdes, Rafael J., DDS

7755 Sw 87th Ave Ste 100
Miami, FL 33173

View Phone Number 3055951774